How are you all doing it? Few weeks into virtual learning and my life has turned upside down. Study materials are winking at me scattered all over the bed. The hustle just started, sleepless nights, back pains from sitting too much at a spot, dozing off during classes, chewing gum to save my dear life, trying to do other things of which I’m just tired. With me not being the type of human that wakes up very early in the morning to do serious business like bathing. Guys… It has not been easy. This I do just to have a feel of the reality even if it’s a little and these siblings of mine won’t stop questioning me, “Are you going somewhere?”

This reminds me of one morning I had two classes in a row. Everyone in my house had eaten (seems like that makes one more hungry) except me. I was still trying to maintain focus when my baby sister came into the room.
She whispered gently to me “Can they hear you?” I turned my head sideways No? “Can they see you?” Now, she got my full attention and I had to talk. “No, they can’t see me.” And the question she asked me next (LOL) I can’t remember the number of times I screamed “God will bless you for me. ”
“So, should I bring your food?”

Part of my plans for this year was to read extensively on different topics and poor me, I have only completed one because I started in December.
I haven’t gotten the time to read like I would while in school, this staying at home to learn thingy is really not for me. Day by Day, I’m continually tired and all I want is the super power to sleep and read at the same time!
I have not adjusted to this new normal and writing this is a testimony to that.

I had high hopes of really writing this month and here I am to whine to y’all because why not?
This is kind of therapeutic for me, releasing tension and thinking up ways to make my life better. I’m worried this might be my shortest blog post but what is this life without a dose of worry sometimes… Sigh.

On the bright side, I have had amazing moments during these virtual classes. I have laughed so much in days from my course mates’ reactions to these classes. It is one of the little things that makes schooling worthwhile, when you have a group of people experiencing the same thing with different stories. This brings a kind of oneness, you know, that feeling of “You will never walk alone”. It is such a beautiful thing.

Now, I’m really contemplating on sending this out to y’all. This is not a diary, folks. But you can see this as therapy read or not (winks).
Before I leave to decide on what to do next. How has your week been? How do you de-stress?

N.B; When I was thinking of a title for this piece, Davido’s line in ‘Fem’ came to mind. “Why you come dey paraa paraa paraa paraa for me”

10 thoughts on “Virtually Virtual

  1. Nice piece dear👍
    Quite relatable but in my case I leave to go get my food o😋 Thank God for the option of putting off the video and muting audio.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful piece. Well, writing is therapeutic as you rightly said so you have do it more and it helps those going through the same hard but then where is the time?, there are tons of material to read and other chores to sort, well am stating the obvious! Dont think about the problem as a whole, it’s always looks like an insurmountable mountain and too overwhelming, break the task down into the smallest unit and try to achieve each setout unit everyday, as times goes by you will get use to it. Well, its not easy though.


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